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Boyar Knows
发布时间:2018-03-29 16:32作者:panqiaolian来源:

Boyar Knows Report Series


Beijing Boyar Communication Co.,Ltd. which is a National High-tech Enterprise, was founded in 2005 and is affiliated to Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV). It focuses on China agriculture and animal husbandry industry chain research and its innovative development research. And it enjoys a tremendous reputation in providing authoritative information and professional advices to related enterprises and organizations, with a global vision.


Boyar Knows Report Series of Swine, Layer, White-feather Broiler etc.

weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly report.


Outlook Reports:

The outlook reports of China swine industry , Layer industry , White-feather Broiler industry ,have been released in April and October.


Consulting and subscription for Boyar Reports, Please send email to  ask@boyar.cn to contact us, thank you! 

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